Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 4- One Pound?

Date: April 4, 2012
Weight: 144
Daily Goals:
ü  Meditation/Yoga/Journal: Journaled this morning! Answered some hard-hitting, existential questions
ü  Daily Physical Exercise: Swam 40 laps!
X Limited Television: Another fail. Tried to go out and hoola hoop, but really wanted someone to hoola hoop with. Really need to move... as in to a new place haha.
ü  Clean House: Limited, but okay.
ü  Of Course, Stay Raw: You bet!
Daily Breakdown:
Breakfast: Green Smoothie (Banana, Pineapple, Strawberries, Kale, Vitamineral Green, Raw Honey)
Snack: Grapes
Lunch: Banana, Mango, Raspberries
Snack: Cut my first pineapple! Made pineapple juuuuuice.
Dinner: Spinach salad with marinated vegetables' leftover dressing, the rest of the coleslaw, a carrot, some onion, rawmesan cheeze, and garlic salt. Derish.

Finally got some exercise in! Swimming felt great. Today was a little meh though. As much as I love being raw, I'm constantly faced with the fact that I am surrounded by... not-like-minded people. Haven't found folks my age yet who like eating raw and healthy, are interested in the outdoors, care about the environment, yada yada. Most of the people in my life don't have that awareness and they are great folks, but it gets lonely here in the activism  sphere! So anyway... a lovely day for being raw, but I found myself watching TV because I just really wanted to hang out with someone. Pretty lame, but where I find myself these days. Looking forward to a chance to make some money and move out of the suburbs- not a place for a gal like me.

Feelings: I just let loose a lot of feelings up there! But erm... I'm feeling good! This section should actually be labeled "effects". I'm feeling pretty solid physically- mornings are good, mid-day is exhausting, and then I get my second wind. Have had green stool for the past two days... that's been weird... not sure if that's going to change or not because I'm eating a good amount of leafy greens haha. And, spurred by the awesome weight loss of my compadres, I saw a 1 lb loss today and felt like sharing! Though, one pound is not something to write home about because it could just be everyday fluctuation... it's something... so... yeah :-)

Here's to finding that place of happiness! For it should be here and now.

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