Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 3

Date: April 3, 2012
Weight: 145
Daily Goals:
ü  Meditation/Yoga/Journal: Attempted meditation again this morning and did a thoughtful journaling too
XDaily Physical Exercise: Had to work 13 hours today, so didn't find much time. Tried to walk around as much as possible, though.
XLimited Television: Fail blog. But! It was all part of the work I was doing, not my own laziness. Taking care of a sick kid who just wants to watch Caillou... you have limited options.
ü  Clean House: I cleaned someone else's house...
ü  Of Course, Stay Raw: Yepperooni!
Daily Breakdown: So, this morning I made my first-ever green smoothie! Basically it was kale, frozen banana, frozen strawberries, frozen pineapple (all that I had cut earlier and froze in tupperware), some green powder mess, and a tad bit of honey. Yummmmmmmy! And oh-so filling! Soon, I'm going to add chia seeds... and not using ALL frozen fruits, because it was a little too ice-creamy.

Received interesting news! Tina has lost 4 lbs already and Yvonne has lost 5 or 6. AFTER TWO DAYS. Wowzer. I, myself, have lost ZERO, so I'm hoping to wake up to a surprise on the scale tomorrow haha. I don't have a huge amount to lose, though, (20 lbs max) so I'm not going to get too worked up. A pound a week would be healthy... though I'd rather it be two or three ;-)

Had a boatload of grapes for snack and was then hungry an hour later (as per my usual hunger-at-work schedule... gotta work on that..), so I ate a RawRevolution superfoods bar. Lunch was two oranges and a gigantic banana... which makes me wonder if it's actually organic... A couple of hours later I was famished again and grabbed 1/2 cup of Go Raw Trek Mix from Trader Joe's. That mess is GOOD and hit the spot! Though there were 300 calories in just 1/2 a cup... gotta be careful!

Finally, for dinner, I meant to have my leftover marinated veggies over a spinach salad, but the folks I babysit for had no spinach as per usual (didn't come prepared myself)... so I just ate the marinated veggies and some strawberries! Definitely got my antioxidants for the day.

It was a pretty good day, but I'm definitely looking forward to getting some exercise tomorrow! Next week will also be a lot better in the exercise department.

Feelings: My morning was wonderful. I felt clearer and more focused than I have in a while... so I'm thinking the worst of the fatigue might be over for me? I've detoxed before and had a much worse reaction, but then I changed my habits a bit, so maybe there's just less for me to work out of my body? Who knows... don't want to speak too soon.

I felt exhausted after lunch, but that's the way I always feel at work. It's funny, because while I was in the Grand Canyon adventuring, I never felt this tired... adrenaline does a LOT of good. I need a job that boosts my adrenaline, not takes it away. *sigh* Too bad those jobs don't pay!

I also got in a bad mood at work for whatever reason, but was in a great mood while babysitting. Not sure if hormones are to blame or if I really had reason to be in a bad mood haha, but I'd love for random bad moods to cease and desist on this diet.

GAH. I really need to get to sleep for tomorrow's activities! Nighty night!

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