Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 11

Date: April 11, 2012
Weight: Couldn't Check
Daily Goals:
XMeditation/Yoga/Journal- I blame Spring Break... okay I really need to get better with my daily goals
ü  Daily Physical Exercise- Went to the gym to do a boot camp class and got Sh'bam. That'll do.
X Limited Television- Tomorrow will be different
XClean House- Honestly, it was a no-motivation day.
ü  Of Course, Stay Raw- Yessir!
Daily Breakdown: Today was an "I give up!" kind of day. I kept trying to get things done and the laziness that is Spring Break just kept sucking me in further and further. Tomorrow, though, has officially been dedicated to cleaning which will get me up and moving and feeling a lot more organized. That is the PLAN.

Breakfast: Banana, apples dipped in raw almond butter mixed with cinnamon, agave nectar, and raisins
Lunch: Two oranges
Snack: Banana
Super Early Dinner (I was just craving it!): Lettuce wraps filled with guacamole
Dinner-Time Snack haha: A big ole thing of grapes

I swear I felt like I was CONSTANTLY eating yesterday, but looking at it on paper doesn't seem nearly as bad. Funny how that works!

Well, tomorrow I plan on being extra productive so that I'm not sitting around all day. The one problem with living where I am right now is that I don't have a huge social network like I'm used to. I don't usually want to do anything alone, I like to have others around haha... so making myself get up and go tomorrow.. while looking forward to eventually moving lol.

Nothing new or crazy today. Though, I did feel comfortable walking around with no make-up today. My skin IS looking better. It's not necessarily the acne part... because I do still have some, but my all-over complexion has really started to even out. I'm feeling more confident and that's great!

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